Welcome to the first Eclectics Choir Newsletter! We have just finished our first term of the season and we now have a website! It is adorned with marvellous photos from Dan and has lots of information.
The choir goes from strength to strength. Vanessa, our founder and director, is more than a conductor. She chooses our repertoire and welcomes everyone warmly. She is unfailingly patient. She is organised and reflective and knows how to get the best out of us. Anyone who wishes to sing is welcome at the Eclectics. Theee are no auditions and there is no need to read music as we have learning tracks to study between rehearsals.
Our membership is eclectic too with musicians including a wonderful pianist, singers who are members of other choirs in the district, those who read no music at all, Adisham locals and people from much further afield. We share the desire to sing, to sing an eclectic repertoire and to share it in our concerts.
The repertoire this season is as eclectic as ever. We have some sea songs including 'Wellerman' and 'Downeaster Alexa'. We have a strong train theme with spirituals and gospel including 'Chicka-hanka' and 'Ride This Train'. Included are a couple of songs from 'Zimbe!', a celebration of African music, and a little Beatles. This season we do not have so many languages to learn as we have had some years, but Macedonian and Bulgarian are enough of a challenge!
Are you reading this on our website? Maybe you are looking for a choir like ours. Be assured of a warm welcome. It is proven that singing is good for us! You could wait to hear us at one of our concerts in 2025 or you could get in touch. All the information you need is on our website.